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Benefits On Your Pay Statement

The below chart is intended for benefits-eligible employees to determine what benefit the "Element Name" on your pay statement is referring to. For a full list of employee and employer payroll deductions, view WVU Payroll's Pay Statement Descriptions resource.

Pay Statement Element Name

Full Benefit Description


Personal Accident Insurance

Critical Illness

Critical Illness

Dep Life Esc*

Dependent Life Insurance

Dependent FSA

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DFSA)

Dependent Life

Dependent Life Insurance

Extended Disability

Extended Long-term Disability

Health Savings Acct

TIAA Health Savings Account (HSA)

Hospital Indemnity

Hospital Indemnity

Limited FSA

Limited Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (LFSA)

LongTerm DisAnnuity

WVU Group Long-term Disability (LTD) Annuity

LongTerm DisIncome

WVU Group Long-term Disability (LTD) Income

Medical FSA

Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

MtFlex Accident

Accident Insurance

Mt Flex Dental

Dental Insurance

Mt Flex Hearing

Hearing Insurance

Mt Flex HSA

Mt. Flex Health Savings Account (HSA)

Mt Flex Legal

Legal Insurance

MtFlex LongTermDis

Mt. Flex Long-term Disability (LTD)

MtFlex ShortTermDis

Mt. Flex Short-term Disability (STD)

MtFlex Vision

Vision Insurance

Opt Life

Optional Life Pre-tax (Up to $40,000)

Opt Life AT

Optional Life After-tax (Greater than $40,000)

Opt Life Esc*

Optional Life Pre-tax (Up to $40,000)

Opt Life Esc AT*

Optional Life After-tax (Greater than $40,000)

PEIA Basic Lf ER

Basic Life Insurance (Employer paid)

PEIA Basic Lf Esc ER*

Basic Life Insurance (Employer paid)

PEIA Health

Health Insurance (PEIA and The Health Plan)

PEIA Health Esc*

Health Insurance (PEIA and The Health Plan)


Roth 403(b) Post-tax Supplemental Retirement


403(b) Pre-tax Supplemental Retirement


401(a) Qualified Retirement Plan


457(b) Pre-tax Supplemental Retirement


Roth 457(b) Post-tax Supplemental Retirement

* Denotes escrow amount for less than twelve (12) month employees.