Employee Relations
workplace resources
The Employee Relations team assists the University community with workplace needs.
Have a question? Contact us at EmployeeRelations@mail.wvu.edu or give us a call at 304-293-5700 ext. 5!
Performance management
All WVU employees participate in an annual performance review process. Make sure you are up-to-date with all of the information and deadlines and find tips for managing and improving performance throughout the year.
Learn more about performance managementEmployee handbooks
Learn about your roles and responsibilities as a WVU employee.
Maintaining a Positive Environment
When conflicts arise, know how to handle them.
A confidential service conducted by a trained facilitator, the WVU Mediation Program is available to help resolve conflict in the workplace.
Conflict Resolution
Fostering an atmosphere where conflict can be successfully addressed and managed is key to a productive workplace.
Faculty/Staff Assistance Program
Conflict that arises outside of the workplace can have an affect on job performance, too. WVU offers free, confidential services to assist with these issues.
Drug-free Schools and Communities
With a combination of education and counseling, the WVU community can become aware of the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse to themselves and to the University.
The faculty ombudsperson and graduate student ombudsperson both serve as confidential, independent, informal and neutral resources when you are working through a difficult situation.
Faculty Ombudsperson
Graduate Student Ombudsperson
Faculty Senate
employee rights
Know your rights on accommodations and more.
Employee Accommodations
WVU employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations in the workplace.
Required Postings
These notices explain employee rights about a variety of topics.
Discrimination and Harassment Resources
WVU has a Title IX Office that serves to educate the campus and handle any discrimination complaints at the University.
Equal Opportunity
WVU's Office of Equal Opportunity and provides resources for employees.
Filing a Grievance
WVU employees may file a grievance to seek a resolution to a workplace dispute.