Medical Leave
BOG Talent and Culture 3.5 - Employee Leave
There are several state and federal laws that may overlap and run concurrently with WVU medical leave policies. The Medical Management Unit staff understands that medical leaves of absence can be a confusing process and will strive to make the process as seamless as possible.
The links to the right provide general information about WVU policies as well as some state and federal legislation that may apply to medical leaves of absence. The following is a general process of how medical leave is addressed.
- Employees who are absent from work due to their own serious medical condition for more than (five) 5 consecutive work days are required to provide a completed Medical Verification Form to the Medical Management Unit. The purpose is to determine if the employee meets requirements to be placed on an authorized medical leave of absence and/or if they are released to return to work. Medical verification must provide the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, anticipated duration, and release to return to work status. This form must be completed by a licensed healthcare provider.
- Employees that are absent from work due to their immediate family member's medical condition for more than (five) 5 consecutive work days are required to provide a completed Immediate Family Member Medical Verification Form to the Medical Management Unit. Immediate family member is defined as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, husband, wife, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, grandson, stepmother, stepfather, stepchildren, or other considered to be members of the household and living under the same roof.
For individuals employed by both West Virginia University (WVU) and University Health Associates (UHA): As part of the WVU medical management or other leave request process, all information submitted by the employee may be shared with and between WVU and UHA. The employee also acknowledges that he/she has consented to the use or disclosure by WVU and UHA of information provided.
Employees on medical leave must continue to follow all University rules, policies, and procedures. In particular, employees are advised to review WVU BOG Talent and Culture Rule 3.5 Employee Leave and WVU BOG Governance Rule 1.4 Ethics, Conflicts of Interest, and Outside Consulting Arrangements to ensure continued compliance with these requirements.
- Employees who apply for medical leave and have secondary positions, jobs, or other work commitments, either internal or external to University employment, are required to share the details with Medical Management. The ability to continue engaging in secondary positions, jobs, or work commitments while on an approved medical leave will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Failure to follow the directions provided by Medical Management may result in disciplinary action.
- Employees that need to be off work intermittently (less than five consecutive work days) due to their own serious medical condition, or due to their immediate family member's medical condition, can use the forms listed above to process for intermittent leave.
- Upon receipt of medical documentation, Medical Management will review the documentation and determine if the employee qualifies for an authorized medical leave, or if they are medically released to return to work with or without restrictions. In addition, Medical Management will examine whether other state or federal regulations apply, such as the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (see the links to the right for more information).
- In order to ensure confidentiality, all medical documentation must be submitted directly to Medical Management and NOT to employees’ supervisors or departments.
- Fax: 304-293-2644
- Employees, their supervisor’s and EBO’s are notified in writing of the employee’s leave status.
- An authorized medical leave may be with or without pay, depending upon whether employees are leave eligible and, if so, whether they have sufficient leave balances to cover their absence.
- Additional medical documentation may be required within a specified time frame to extend a medical leave or to provide a release to return to work. Employees are responsible for ensuring that their medical documentation is received by Medical Management.
- If documentation is not provided within the required time frame, employees will be in an unauthorized leave status which may result in disciplinary action and/or discontinuation of benefits.
- Employees must provide a release to Medical Management prior to returning to work from their own medical condition.
- Fax: 304-293-2644