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Interim Assignments

Instructions for Interim Agreements

Upon Assignment of Interim Duties:

  • Submit the following to Compensation (via email at ): 
    • signed interim agreement
    • job description that contains interim duties being performed and approved coversheet
    • employee’s resume
  • Compensation will finalize the title, salary range and effective date and communicate to the department.
Interim Assignment Agreement

At Completion of Interim Duties:

  • At the time that the interim duties are complete and the employee is to return to their regular position, please submit a request to Compensation (via email at ) to end the interim assignment. 
  • The employee will be returned to their regular position and salary (plus any increases in pay that would have been received during the time in an interim assignment).

General Interim Assignment Information

Interim assignments typically occur when the responsibilities of another position, at a higher level, becomes vacant or there is a temporary absence of the incumbent. WVU supervisors may ask or direct a qualified employee to perform the additional duties and responsibilities on an interim basis. Typically, the interim duties are being performed for longer than one month but less than twelve months. Interim duties assigned are temporary and not intended to become a regular assignment.

Only supervisors may ask or direct employees to perform work on an interim basis. An employee who performs duties outside the scope of their current role without prior supervisor authorization may not necessarily be assigned or paid for an interim role.