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Offboarding FAQs for Voluntary Separations

What is offboarding?

When an employee leaves WVU, chairs/directors/deans (for faculty) and supervisors (for staff) play key roles in ensuring a smooth transition by facilitating knowledge transfer, encouraging feedback through the electronic exit interview and supporting departing employees. Effective offboarding supports WVU’s values and fosters positive relationships.

Who is involved in offboarding?

Along with the departing employee and their chair/director/dean (for faculty) or supervisor (for staff), Shared Services, Talent and Culture’s Strategic HR Partners and other departments (e.g., ITS for access revocation) manage internal processes. Additional college/division-specific processes may also apply.

When does offboarding begin?

The process begins when an employee provides notice of resignation or retirement.

Should employees provide their resignation in writing?

Yes. While many resignations and retirements may begin with a verbal conversation, employees should provide their resignation in writing and indicate their last physical day of work. The resignation procedure, as well as other considerations for departing employees, can be found at Offboarding for Employees.

Should I acknowledge my employee’s resignation or retirement in writing?

Yes. Once you have received your employee’s resignation, you should respond in writing, accepting the resignation and confirming the employee’s last physical day of work.

What are the supervisor’s offboarding responsibilities?

Supervisors must:

  1. Email WVU Shared Services-Time Collection at ( for Health Sciences Center employees) within 24 hours of receiving notice to initiate the termination process in WVU’s system;
  2. Encourage the employee to complete the electronic exit interview when received;
  3. Ensure knowledge transfer;
  4. Complete the offboarding form (review Offboarding for Supervisors for more detailed information on the offboarding form and additional supervisor responsibilities);
  5. Communicate the departure to the unit;
  6. Coordinate a respectful farewell; and
  7. Collect WVU property before the last day.

What does WVU Shared Services do within the offboarding process?

Once notified, Shared Services:

  1. Completes the electronic termination form for the supervisor (which is required to facilitate the termination in WVU systems);
  2. Sends the electronic exit interview to the employee upon submission of the termination; and
  3. Sends the offboarding form to supervisors.

Please view 101: An Introduction to the Termination Process for Supervisors for a complete breakdown of the Shared Services Center’s process. For questions or assistance related to this process, contact the Shared Services Center.

What does the Strategic HR Partner do within the offboarding process?

Strategic HR Partners (SHRPs) contact departing employees to encourage them to complete the electronic exit interview, answer any questions they may have and provide opportunities for in-person exit interviews, when requested. SHRPs analyze exit interview data for the areas of the University they work with, identify trends and patterns in the data and share this information with their senior leadership in aggregate without personal identifiers.

Who do I contact for offboarding questions?

For an in-person exit interview or to expand on your electronic exit interview responses in person, contact the Strategic HR Partner assigned to your unit. For questions or assistance related to the electronic termination form, the offboarding form or other employee considerations (benefits, leave, retirement or address updates), contact the Shared Services Center.

Electronic Exit Interview FAQs

What is the electronic exit interview?

The electronic exit interview gathers feedback on an employee’s WVU experience, including reasons for leaving, team dynamics and job satisfaction. Employees may also request an in-person interview with a Strategic HR Partner.

Who receives the electronic exit interview?

Both faculty and staff who voluntarily separate will receive the electronic exit interview.

Is the electronic exit interview confidential?

Responses will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law and will not be placed in your personnel file. Any documents related to your exit interview are considered deliberative, proprietary, personal and confidential and their primary use by the University is for employment assessment/examination purposes. Exit interview information will be analyzed and assessed for potential trends and to assist with improving the WVU work environment. Exit interview data from all departing employees is aggregated with other employee feedback from your college/division and presented to senior leaders in a summary report.

It's important to understand that there may be situations where the University is legally required to disclose the information provided in an exit interview to the appropriate authorities. This may include ethical or legal obligations under federal law, state law or internal policies. This disclosure would not impact any recommendation the University may provide for you.

How and when is the electronic exit interview sent?

It is emailed via Qualtrics to the employee’s WVU email once Shared Services submits the termination form for the exiting employee.

Can an employee request an in-person exit interview?

Yes. The electronic exit interview’s final question allows employees to request an in-person exit interview with a Strategic HR Partner.

Does the electronic exit interview replace department-specific exit interviews?

No. This interview is part of the University’s overall offboarding process, but departments may conduct additional exit interviews on their own. Employees should complete both if applicable.