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Advertising Job Openings

Your job opening will automatically be advertised on several job boards, including the WVU Job, and Faculty and some staff positions are also automatically advertised with the Chronicle of Higher Education. To attract a broad and talented applicant pool, you may also consider advertising your job opening with any of the organizations listed below. Please note that some organizations charge for job advertisements, and this cost would be the responsibility of the hiring unit.  Your Talent Acquisition Recruiter can assist you with placing additional job ads. 

In addition to the automatic advertisements noted above, your opening can also be advertised at no cost with many Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority-Serving Institutions via Handshake. Contact your Talent Acquisition Recruiter to post your opening with Minority-Serving Institutions.

General Job Boards

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Arts and Sciences

Liberal Arts

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Business and Economics

Creative Arts

Education and Human Services



Health Sciences

Information Technology



Physical Activity and Sports Sciences