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Leadership Development Opportunities

Leadership Training and Development

Leadership and Organization Development offers a variety of training and development opportunities for supervisors, managers, and leaders to gain the skillsets to enhance the culture of WVU while emphasizing the core values. We have developed several training sessions for leaders to learn new skills or enhance their current strengths.

The focus is on increasing your effectiveness as a supervisor and helping you learn to lead self, lead teams, and support a changing culture. Each workshop will emphasize specific objectives and will provide opportunities to network with other supervisors across the university. Demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement through training and creating partnerships with other supervisors can allow you to achieve your goals and systemically drive the culture and values of WVU. If you have any questions, please contact us at 304-293-7217 or

Below is a list and descriptions of upcoming training that will be provided during the upcoming year:

Supervisor Series:

Supervisor Essentials

Supervisor Essentials is for WVU Supervisors who want to understand and apply fundamental supervisory skills by learning the human resource practices of WVU. We’ll cover topics that are transactional in nature and important to every supervisor. We’ll have the person who knows the most about the subject walk you through the process, give you access to the tools you need, help you identify common pitfalls, provide you with a tip sheet and key contact information if you have any questions after the training.

Supervisor Essentials themes include:

Theme One: Fostering a Fair and Ethical Work Environment Next session is TBD
Theme Two: Managing Employee Performance and Practice Next session is TBD
Theme Three: Creating a Collaborative and Inclusive Culture Next session is  TBD

Supervisor Solutions 

Supervisor Solutions is for WVU supervisors seeking to take a deeper dive into topics that foster productive work environments that promote employee growth through healthy work relationships.

Supervisors that would like to develop strong practices around coaching, setting performance expectations and goal setting would benefit from these highly engaging sessions. The half-day sessions will introduce the five elements of emotional intelligence.

Learners will discuss how emotional intelligence influences self-awareness, coaching of individuals and development of the organization. Each participant will walk away with tools and resources to help them guide productive conversations and outcomes around performance standards.

Supervisor Solutions sessions include:

SS 1:  Introduction to Coaching 
SS 2: Leading Self, Leading Teams Next session is TBD
SS 3: Leading Teams, Transforming Culture Next session is TBD 
SS 4: Coaching for Results Next session is TBD 
SS 5: Building Trust While Motivating Teams Next session is TBD
SS 6: Leadership and Influence Next session is TBD

Supervisor Speaks 

Supervisors SPEAK provides continuous opportunities that engage WVU Supervisors in round table discussions, forums, panel discussions, webinars, lunch and learns, and networking partnerships. These hourly workshops are designed for supervisors to hear about current best practices from their peers.

Supervisors SPEAK workshops include:

SP 1:  Recognition Best Practices Next session is TBD
SP 2: Onboarding Best Practices Next session is  TBD
SP 3: Empowering Employee Development Next session is TBD

Additional Supervisor Training

The following trainings are provided by guest facilitators on topics that relate specifically to the culture and values of WVU:

  • Challenge of Change  Next session is TBD
  • Peer to Supervisor Next session TBD
  • Productive Performance Discussions  Next session is TBD
  • Managing Up Next session is TBD 

Supervisor's Guide to Welcoming New Employees

Onboarding is more than just attending an orientation or filling out the necessary paperwork that goes along with starting a new position – it’s the entire process at ensuring your new employee feels welcome and equip to start their new role. The first year of employment is crucial for employees, as they decide very early on whether to stay or leave an organization. Here at WVU, we want to ensure that onboarding is a positive experience for each and every employee and their supervisor. This is why we created the “ New Employees Guide to a Successful First Year” and “A Supervisor’s Guide to Welcoming New Employees”. These guides were created to mirror one another for both the new employee and their supervisor to ensure they are on the same page and starting on the right foot. The goal is to create a solid foundation for new employees as they are starting their journey as Mountaineer