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Life Insurance

West Virginia University (WVU) provides life insurance benefits to eligible WVU employees and their dependents through a group life insurance policy administered by the Public Employees Insurance Agency (PEIA) and underwritten by MetLife. Basic and optional life policies require beneficiary designations.

Basic Life and AD&D Insurance

WVU provides basic life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) at no cost to active benefits-eligible employees.

  • Premiums: Premiums are paid in full by WVU.
  • Coverage amount: Coverage amount of $10,000 for active employees.
  • Enrollment: Employees may enroll the month of hire or during the two following months. Employees who enroll after that time period will be required to submit an evidence of insurability subject to review and approval by MetLife.
To view additional plan details, visit the  PEIA life insurance page.

Voluntary Life Insurances

In addition to basic life insurance, employees may also purchase additional voluntary decreasing term optional life insurance for themselves and term dependent life insurance for their legal dependents.

Optional Life Insurance

New benefits-eligible employees are guaranteed up to $100,000 coverage without evidence of insurability provided enrollment is made within the new hire enrollment period, during the month of hire and two following months.

  • Plan Year: July 1 - June 30
  • Premiums: Premiums are determined by age, coverage amount and tobacco status. Visit the Shopper's Guide for more details. 
  • Coverage amount: Coverage amounts range from $5,000 up to $500,000 (pre-tax up to $40,000, post-tax over $40,000).
  • Enrollment: Employees may enroll the month of hire or during the two following months. Employees who enroll after that time period will be required to submit an evidence of insurability subject to review and approval by MetLife.
    • Increase Coverage: An employee may Increase optional life insurance at any time, but will be required to submit an evidence of insurability subject to review and approval by MetLife.
    • Reduce Coverage: An employee may reduce optional life insurance at any time down to the minimum pre-tax amount of $40,000.
    • Cancel Coverage: An employee may only cancel or drop optional life insurance during the annual open enrollment period.

Visit PEIA's Manage My Benefits to apply for or make changes to optional life insurance coverage.

To view additional plan details, visit the PEIA life insurance page.

Dependent Life Insurance

  • Plan Year: July 1 - June 30
  • Premiums: Premiums vary based on coverage amount and tobacco status. Visit the  Shopper's Guide for more details. 
  • Coverage Amounts: Coverage amounts range from $5,000 up to $40,000 for spouse and $2,000 up to $15,000 per child.
Dependent Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5*
Spouse $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $40,000
Child $2,000 $4,000 $7,500 $10,000 $15,000
*Exceptions may apply for Plan 5. Contact MetLife.
  • Enrollment for a Spouse: Employees may enroll a spouse during the month of hire or the two following months up to Plan 4 without a statement of health. Plan 5 requires statement of health during the new hire enrollment period. After the new hire enrollment period employees may enroll a spouse into any plan or increase a spouse's coverage with statement of health.
  • Enrollment for a Child: Employees may enroll a child at any time without statement of health. 
  • Reduce Coverage for Spouse or Child:  An employee may reduce dependent life insurance at any time.
  • Cancel Coverage for Spouse or Child : An employee may only cancel or drop dependent life insurance during the annual open enrollment period.

Visit PEIA's Manage My Benefits to apply for or make changes to dependent life insurance coverage.

To view additional plan details, visit the  PEIA life insurance page.


In the event of your death, life insurance policy benefits are awarded to the person or people designated as your beneficiary(ies) with MetLife. You may list more than one beneficiary and assign percentages to each person listed. 

  • Primary Beneficiary(ies): This is the person or people that are your first choice to receive the benefit.
  • Contingent Beneficiary(ies): This is the person or people that are your second choice to receive the benefit should your primary beneficiary(ies) no longer be able to accept the benefit. 

To view and/or change beneficiaries for basic and/or optional life insurance benefits, visit and enter PEIA as your organization under 'Access MyBenefits', or call MetLife a 888-466-8640. Note: Do not select West Virginia University as your organization. Selecting this option will not generate your policy information.

Please note that PEIA switched to MetLife as the carrier during Plan Year 2023. If you have not created a new account with MetLife, you will need to register prior to logging in; previous life insurance usernames do not carry over.