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Talent and Culture developed this handbook as an informational tool for classified employees. While the handbook can be printed, it is most useful and up to date when it is used as an on-line, interactive document. If you decide to print a copy of this handbook, please return to the on-line version of the handbook to ensure that you have the latest version before you rely on any of the information in your printed copy. 

As you review the handbook, you will notice that some of the font is blue. Anything in this handbook that is in blue font is actually an active link to another section of the handbook; a web page with more information on that specific topic; or an e-mail link that will put you in direct contact with someone who can provide more information. 

Please contact Employee Relations at (304) 293-5700 ext. 5 or at if you have any trouble with the links in this handbook. 


As a representative of a highly respected educational institution, you have a significant role in public relations. In some instances, you will be the only contact that people will have with your department or WVU. It is important that you serve the public, other WVU employees, and students with courtesy and responsiveness, that the information you provide is accurate, and that you demonstrate the highest standards of integrity and honesty. Every interaction with people--whether in person, on the phone, or by mail or e-mail--is an opportunity to create a positive impression, provide effective service, and foster good public relations. 

Your primary and most important responsibility is to do a good job on the tasks that you are assigned. Listen carefully to your supervisor's instructions and promptly carry them out to the best of your ability. Ask questions as necessary and offer constructive suggestions. Your supervisor is interested in your ideas and appreciative of your initiative and efforts to do a good job.


The tasks and responsibilities assigned to you by your supervisor are the individual steps of a collective effort to implement a larger strategy. To ensure that your efforts support this larger strategy, you should review the following information. 


As a land-grant institution, the faculty, staff and students at West 

Virginia University commit to creating a diverse and inclusive culture that advances education, healthcare and prosperity for all by providing access and opportunity; by advancing high-impact research; and by leading transformation in West Virginia and the world through local, state and global engagement. 


As One West Virginia University, we are purposeful in our studies and our work so that we can partner with our communities — both near and far — to bring needed and valued solutions to real-life problems within the pillars of education, healthcare and prosperity. 



We seek opportunities to serve others and are committed to providing the highest quality of service. 


We ask questions, seek new opportunities and change through innovation. 


We are respectful, transparent and inclusive with each other. 


We perform at our very best every day to create a University that is  responsive, efficient and effective. 


We support and value each other’s contributions as we build a  community that is One WVU.


The West Virginia University Board of Governors (the "Board") was created by the West Virginia Legislature as the governing body of the West Virginia University system, including West Virginia University, West Virginia University Potomac State College, and West Virginia University Institute of Technology (collectively the "University"). The Board has the mission of general supervision and control over the academic and business affairs of the University. 

University Governance 

University Administration 


If you would like further information about the University, we encourage you to visit the About WVU web page.