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Personal Safety Practices

  • Face Masks/Cloth Face Coverings – Face masks or cloth face coverings must be worn by all faculty and staff working on campus when in the presence of others and in public settings where physical distancing measures may be difficult to maintain (e.g., common work spaces and classrooms).
    • The mask or cloth face covering does not eliminate the need to practice good physical distancing habits.

    • WVU will provide a cloth, washable gaiter or mask. The University also will provide disposable masks, if needed.

    • Cloth face coverings for employees working on campus should:

      • Fit over the nose and mouth and fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
      • Be secured with ties or ear loops

      • Include multiple layers of fabric

      • Allow for breathing without restriction

      • Only be worn for one day and must be properly cleaned before they are used again
      • Not be used if they become wet or contaminated

      • Be replaced with clean substitutes, as needed

      • Be handled as little as possible

      • Not be worn with or instead of respiratory protection when respirators are needed

  • Physical Distancing – Keeping space between individuals is one of the best tools we have to avoid COVID-19 exposure and slow its spread. Faculty and staff working on campus should adhere to the following physical distancing practices:
    • Whenever feasible, stay at least six feet (about two arms’ length) from other people and wear a face covering at all times on campus
    • Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings
    • Eliminate contact with others, such as handshakes or embracing
    • Avoid touching surfaces touched by others (to the extent feasible)
    • Avoid anyone who is coughing, sneezing or appears to be sick
    • Social Distancing
  • Handwashing – Individuals should wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (especially after they have been in a public place or after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or touching their face). If soap and water are not readily available, individuals should use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Gloves – Healthcare workers and others in high-risk areas should use gloves as part of PPE. However, according to CDC guidance, gloves are not necessary for general use and do not replace good hand hygiene. In general, if the employee’s on-campus work duties previously required the wearing of gloves, they should continue to wear them.
  • Goggles/Face Shields – Employees do not need to wear goggles or face shields during general activities on campus unless these items are required as part of their work duties (e.g., labs).
  • Personal Disinfection – While Facilities and Services crews will continue to clean offices and workspaces based on CDC guidelines, additional care should be taken to wipe down commonly used surfaces. Before starting work and before leaving any room in which they have been working, employees must wipe down all work areas with EPA-registered 60% alcohol solution. This includes any shared-space location or equipment (e.g., copiers, printers, computers, A/V equipment, coffee makers, desks and tables, light switches, door knobs, etc.).
  • Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene – If employees are in a private setting and do not have on their mask or face covering, they should always cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or use the inside of their elbow. Employees then should throw used tissues in the trash and immediately wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, employees should use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.