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Guidance for Specific Workplace Scenarios

  • Working in Office Environments – If more than one person is in a room, employees should wear a face mask or cloth face covering at all times, including while in a shared workspace (e.g., cubicles, reception/receiving areas, hallways, break rooms, etc.).
  • Using Restrooms – Use of restrooms should be limited based on size to ensure at least six feet of distance between individuals. Employees should wash their hands thoroughly afterward to reduce the potential transmission of COVID-19.
  • Using Elevators – All riders should wear face masks or cloth face coverings, avoid overcrowding elevators and exercise extreme caution. Riders should only board elevators if they feel comfortable with occupancy. Additional signage will be placed to direct flow to stairwells.
  • Meetings – All meetings must include an option for remote participation (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, conference line, etc.). Additional considerations include the following:
    • Employees should use personal discretion when deciding whether to attend a meeting in-person or remotely.

    • Faculty should conduct all advising sessions with students via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

    • Most conference rooms will remain closed for the fall semester. However, a small number of interview rooms will be available for faculty and staff recruitment. These rooms will be cleaned on an as-needed basis upon request.
  • Meals – Before and after eating, employees should wash their hands thoroughly. If dining on campus, employees should wear their mask or cloth face covering until they are ready to eat and then replace it afterward. Employees are encouraged to take food back to their office area or eat outside whenever possible. Employees also should wipe all surfaces (e.g., tables, refrigerator handles, coffee machines, etc.) after using common areas.
  • WVU/Mountain Line Bus Service – If employees use WVU/Mountain Line bus transportation, they should wear a face mask or cloth face covering before entering the bus and avoid touching surfaces with their hands. Upon disembarking, employees should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol as soon as possible and before removing their mask or cloth face covering.
  • Travel – University-related international and domestic business travel for WVU students and employees will be extremely limited and require prior approval by the unit's vice president or dean of the college/school.
    • Individuals who are returning to WVU campuses from any international/cruise ship travel are subject to a 14-day self-quarantine/self-monitoring period.
    • Anyone traveling domestically outside of West Virginia is subject to a 5-day self-quarantine/self-monitoring period. This does not include commuting to work.
    • Employees must notify their supervisor and work with them for a remote work assignment during the self-quarantine/self-monitoring period. If a remote assignment is not available, please contact your HR Partner for additional options.