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Prior to Returning to On-Campus Work Checklist (Supervisors)

  • Consider your area’s workspace, workflow, constituent flow and work priorities to determine if there is adequate spacing to maintain physical distancing. If not, determine what changes need to be made, including which positions can work remotely, which roles are absolutely needed on campus and if flexible hours may be used to promote physical distancing.
  • Assess other common spaces (e.g., conference and break rooms). Document and communicate what the common area procedures are upon returning to the workplace.
  • Identify the need for signage to encourage healthy habits and physical distancing in the workplace. Ensure signage is posted in visible areas in the workspace.
  • Survey each employee to determine their ability to return to onsite work according to the established timeline within the department or unit.
  • Do not attempt to identify and target high-risk category employees. Communicate to all employees about these categories and the support provided if someone wishes to voluntarily disclose. In accordance with ADA protections, employees are not required to disclose if they are in a high-risk category based upon a pre-existing medical disability.
    • If an employee voluntarily self-identifies as being high-risk for COVID-19, is living with someone considered high-risk based on CDC guidelines or is following self-quarantine protocol, contact regarding possible workplace accommodations or modifications.

      Note: If an employee voluntarily discloses this information, it will be kept confidential in accordance with WVU’s personnel policies.
  • Develop a plan and schedule for who returns to on-campus work and when based on the University’s timeline, the dates established by your department or unit for returning to on-campus work and employees’ ability to return.
  • Communicate the return to on-campus work plan for your department or unit to your employees and ensure they understand their expected return date.
  • Remind employees to pack all IT equipment used to work remotely, including cables and accessories, to bring back to campus. Employees should be prepared to reinstall computer equipment themselves. ITS resources for reinstalling equipment will be limited.
  • Encourage employees to self-screen daily before leaving home for any of the following new or worsening symptoms of possible COVID-19:
    • Cough

    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    • Fever

    • Chills

    • Repeated shaking with chills

    • Runny nose or new sinus congestion

    • Muscle pain

    • Headache

    • Sore throat

    • Fatigue

    • New gastrointestinal symptoms

    • New loss of taste or smell

    Employees with any of these symptoms should stay home until they have contacted their healthcare provider for further guidance.