People who have been under home isolation/quarantine can return to work under the
following conditions, consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines:
If you will not be tested to determine if you are still contagious, you may
leave home after the following have happened:
You have had no fever for at least 24 hours without the use medicine that reduces
Other symptoms have improved (e.g., cough or shortness of breath).
At least ten days have passed since your symptoms first appeared.
Note: WVU will not accept negative test results as a determination
for return to work.
If an employee is too ill to work for more than five consecutive work days due to COIVD-19, they should contact WVU Medical Management at or 304-293-5700 ext. 8. A medical release will be required prior to resuming work activities.